Asking "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" in Shona

Asking "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" in Shona

The most common way to ask someone about their plans for the rest of the day in Shona is: "Une zvirongwa zvei nhasi?"

Here's a breakdown:​

  • Une: You have
  • zvirongwa: plans
  • zvei: what
  • nhasi: today

Example Sentences:​

  • "Une zvirongwa zvei nhasi, Tapiwa?" (What are your plans for the rest of the day, Tapiwa?)
  • "Uchaitei nhasi manheru?" (What will you do this evening?)
  • "Ndiri kuda kuziva zvirongwa zvako zvanhasi." (I want to know your plans for today.)
  • "Kana usina zvirongwa, tinogona kuenda kunotamba nhabvu." (If you don't have any plans, we can play soccer.)