A scale is a set of musical notes ordered by pitch. In the B major scale, we start at note B and reach the next B, hitting every note in the key. Here's how you play the B Major scale on a piano or keyboard:
- B (white key)
- C♯ (black key)
- D♯ (black key)
- E (white key)
- F♯ (black key)
- G♯ (black key)
- A♯ (black key)
- B (white key)
B Major Chords
A chord is when you play two or more notes together simultaneously. Chords form the foundation of most musical pieces. In B Major, like in other keys, several important chords are used often:- B Major (I) - B, D#, F#
- C# Minor (ii) - C#, E, G#
- D# Minor (iii) - D#, F#, A#
- E Major (IV) - E, G#, B
- F# Major (V) - F#, A#, C#
- G# Minor (vi) - G#, B, D#
- A# Diminished (vii°) - A#, C#, E