means "veisalgia" or in other words, what most people commonly mek reference to as hangover effects wish a aaftin experienced afta yu drink laika fish.
The formal chiShona word for veisalgia is actually bhabharasi.
Bai di wie, (wey som a yu oandem aredi nuo) dark liquors/alcoholic drinks soch az red wine, bourbon, whiskey (whisky), cognac (brandy) a likely fi induce muo unpleasant effects sens dem contain muo congeners compared fi clear alcoholic drinks laika gin, vodka, white wine, an lager beers.
The formal chiShona word for veisalgia is actually bhabharasi.
Bai di wie, (wey som a yu oandem aredi nuo) dark liquors/alcoholic drinks soch az red wine, bourbon, whiskey (whisky), cognac (brandy) a likely fi induce muo unpleasant effects sens dem contain muo congeners compared fi clear alcoholic drinks laika gin, vodka, white wine, an lager beers.