C minor scale: natural, harmonic and melodic

C minor scale: natural, harmonic and melodic

The natural minor scale, also known simply as the minor scale, is the most basic form of the minor scale. It consists of seven notes with a particular arrangement of spaces (or intervals) between them. Here is how you can build or play the C natural minor scale:
  • Start at the note C.
  • Move to D.
  • Go to E flat (which is a half step lower than E).
  • Then to F.
  • Next is G.
  • After G, move to A flat (a half step lower than A).
  • Then to B flat (a half step lower than B).
  • Finally, return to C, an octave higher than where you started.

The C Harmonic Minor Scale​

The harmonic minor scale is similar to the natural minor scale but with one important change: the seventh note is raised by a half step. This small change makes a big difference in how the scale sounds. It gives the scale a more dramatic and tense sound, often used in classical and Middle Eastern music. Here is how the C harmonic minor scale looks:
  • Start at C.
  • Move to D.
  • Go to E flat.
  • Then to F.
  • Next is G.
  • After G, move to A flat.
  • Instead of going to B flat, move directly to B natural (raising it by a half step).
  • Finally, return to C, an octave higher.

The Melodic Minor Scale​

The melodic minor scale changes depending on whether you are playing the scale going up or down. On the way up, the sixth and seventh notes are raised by a half step from the natural minor scale, but on the way down, it returns to being just like the natural minor scale. This flexibility makes the melodic minor scale useful in jazz and classical music for creating interesting melodies. Here’s how the C melodic minor scale goes:
  • Ascending (going up):
    • Start at C.
    • Move to D.
    • Go to E flat.
    • Then to F.
    • Next is G.
    • Now, move to A natural (raising the sixth note).
    • Then to B natural (raising the seventh note).
    • Finally, return to C.
  • Descending (coming down):
    • From C, go back down to B flat.
    • Move to A flat.
    • Then to G.
    • Next is F.
    • Then E flat.
    • Move to D.
    • And finally, back to C