The C# major scale is a musical scale that consists of seven notes. In order, the notes of the C# major scale are:
  • C# - D# - E# - F# - G# - A# - B#
To play a C# major scale on an instrument like a piano, start on the note C#, then play the notes in order, going up in pitch until you reach the next C# note, an octave higher. The pattern of whole steps (W) and half steps (H) between the notes is:
  • W - W - H - W - W - W - H
This pattern of whole and half steps is the same for any major scale, but starting on a different note, like C# gives you the C# major scale.

Chords in the key of C# major​

Chords are created by playing multiple notes together. The most common type of chord is triads, which have three notes. Each scale note can be used as the root note to build a chord. The chords in the key of C# major are:
  • C# major (C# - E# - G#)
  • D# minor (D# - F# - A#)
  • E# minor (E# - G# - B#)
  • F# major (F# - A# - C#)
  • G# major (G# - B# - D#)
  • A# minor (A# - C# - E#)
  • B# diminished (B# - D# - F#)
The quality of each chord (major, minor, or diminished) is determined by the intervals between the notes, which follow a pattern for major scales. The chords built off the first, fourth, and fifth scale degrees are major. The chords of the second, third, and sixth are minor. The chord on the seventh note is diminished.

One way to compose songs and pieces of music is to put together chord progressions using the chords in a key. Chords can add additional notes, like a seventh, to create different colors and flavors.