this is literarily a replacement spouse that a man can get when his wife has passed on.

What is interesting is that traditionally the new spouse in this case is often s'posed to be a sibling (or a sister) of the woman who has passed away. They can also be a niece of the deceased. But nowadays, many Zimbaz (or most Zimbo Christians, if you will) no longer engage in this old practice. Coz people find it hella strange and weird to be the one to pick up the pieces and continue where your sis left off.

In contrast, if a man has money (and is perhaps well endowed), it's safe to say his financial status will sorta create a high likelihood that the living sis may wanna be his new queen. Coz money changes even the over-religious sisters who are always quick to say I won't ever do that. Yeah, okay.

Related terms​

A synonym for chigadzamapfihwa is chimutsamapfihwa.