1: African traditional culture (tsika nemagariro epasichigare)
2: the formal language (mutauro wechiShona) that's widely spoken in the Republic of Zimbabwe
Note: ChiShona language consists of other dialects such as Zezuru, Karanga, Korekore, Manyika, and Ndau. The most spoken Shona dialect is Zezuru whilst the hardest to understand among them all is Ndau. Yeah, it's really hard fo' sho'. It's one of those things where if you didn't grow up exposed to it, the chances of showing interest as an adult are slim.
The difference between the Shona and English alphabets is that in the former you won't find the following alphabet letters:
1: African traditional culture (tsika nemagariro epasichigare)
2: the formal language (mutauro wechiShona) that's widely spoken in the Republic of Zimbabwe
Note: ChiShona language consists of other dialects such as Zezuru, Karanga, Korekore, Manyika, and Ndau. The most spoken Shona dialect is Zezuru whilst the hardest to understand among them all is Ndau. Yeah, it's really hard fo' sho'. It's one of those things where if you didn't grow up exposed to it, the chances of showing interest as an adult are slim.
Alphabet letter | Example |
A | Apuro |
B | Baba |
Bh | Bhegi |
Ch | Chechi |
D | Dzimbabwe (or Dzimbahwe) |
Dh | Dhadha |
F | Firiji |
G | Gauro |
H | Hove |
I | Imba |
J | Jahwi |
K | Karoi |
M | Mbinga |
N | Nzenza |
Nh | Nhau |
O | Ongorora |
P | Porongi |
R | Rudo |
S | Sando |
Sh | Shasha |
T | Tonje |
U | Ujarijari |
V | Vamwene |
Vh | Vhozhora |
W | Wanano |
Y | Yave |
Z | Zimbabwe |
ZH | Zhizha |
The difference between the Shona and English alphabets is that in the former you won't find the following alphabet letters:
- L
- Q
- X