In Shona, the most common way to say "I don't know" is "Handizive." This versatile phrase can be used in various contexts, from casual conversations to formal settings.
Here are some alternatives to "Handizive":
- "Hazvizivikanwe" translates to "It is not known" and refers to something unknown generally, not just to you personally.
- "Handina chokwadi" translates as "I am not sure." This phrase conveys a degree of uncertainty rather than a complete lack of knowledge.
- "Handisati ndazviziva" translates to "I don't know it yet," implying that you might find out in the future.
Examples in Sentences:
- "Handizive kuti aripi." (I don't know where he is.)
- "Hazvizivikanwe kuti chii chichaitika." (It is not known what will happen.)
- "Kana muchida rubatsiro, handizive kuti ndingakubatsirai sei." (If you need help, I don't know how I can help you.)