mai mwana
  1. baby mama​
  2. homegirl or close female friend​
Note: If you are a man you may call your baby mama Mai Mwana but obviously, you can't just call any random woman that since she isn't a mother to any of your offspring.

The second use of Mai Mwana is used by Zimbo women as a filler to call their female friends especially during the time when they are gossiping about the latest dotcom (makuhwa) with their close friends.

baba bhoi or baba bhoyi
Definition: baby daddy and is used by Zimbo women when addressing their man often with a serious tone but usually not in public because most Zimbo men don't like that at all, it's a non-starter.

Example usage I:
Person 1: "Mai Mwana ndichambobuda neboyz"

Person 2: "Ndekupiko kwamunombo enda muchitisiya pano kuneyi ikoko"

Person 1: "Watanga kufungazvisizvo. Anyway ndodzoka manje-manje so"

Person 2: "Manje-manje dzehusiku, nxaaa?"

Example usage II:
Person 1: "Ko chii chakaitika nezuro"

Person 2: "Mai mwana mukadzi wepanext door akabatwa nechikomba kuLodge"

Person 1: "Saka musha watoparara?"

Person 2: "Hapasisina paya, asi kuti vave back on market... mmm."

Example usage III:
Person 1: "Baba bhoi, ndiyani iyeye anofonera vanhu pakati pehusiku?"

Person 2: "Yanga iri overseas business call saka kukata zvaizoita se chirudeness"