means either a loose vagina (stonyeni) or a loose boogina (mukosho).
However, on the contrary, if a woman's vertical smile (mburufasi) is too tight during lovemaking, she's either not interested, or the foreplay was kinda boring (muchongoyo).
There's also this myth peddled by incels and self-styled vajayjay connoisseurs that too much penile-vaginal intercourse causes permanent stretching which isn't factual.
On the other hand, a boogina (kumusuri, kumuswe, kumanowa, or kumanyowa) can easily become loose over time, especially when constantly penetrated (kufemerwa mugotsi) with muzvambarara or muzvambidhula ("a big mbolis"), and this can lead to bowel or fecal incontinence (mudhoto wakabhovhoka).