"This is my first time here" in Shona

"This is my first time here" in Shona

While there are various ways to express the sentiment "This is my first time here" in Shona, the most natural and accurate phrase is: "Ndokwekutanga kwangu pano."

Examples in context:​

  • "Ndokwekutanga kwangu pano, asi ndanzwa zvakawanda nezvenzvimbo ino." (This is my first time here, but I've heard a lot about this place.)
  • "Ndokwekutanga kwangu pano, ndinotarisira kusangana nevanhu vatsva." (This is my first time here, I am looking forward to meeting new people.)
  • "Ndokwekutanga kwangu pano, saka ndingada kuziva zvakawanda nezvetsika dzenyu." (This is my first time here, so I would like to learn more about your culture.)
  • "Ndokwekutanga kwangu pano, asi ndinonzwa ndakasununguka nekuda kwevanhu vane hushamwari." (This is my first time here, but I feel comfortable because of the friendly people.)
  • "Zvinhu zvose zvitsva kwandiri, ndokwekutanga kwangu pano." (Everything is new to me, it's my first time here.)