In the Shona language (or Chivanhu), vonga means to thank or show profound thanks to someone. You use it when you feel glad about what another person did for you.

Example sentences for vonga

  • Ndinokuvonga nekundibatsira nhasi. (I thank you for helping me today.)
  • Vabereki vake vanomuvonga nekuda kwebudiriro yake. (His parents thank him for his success.)
  • Ndinozviita nekuti ndinokuvonga zvikuru. (I do it because I am very grateful to you.)
  • Vongai Ishe. (Be grateful to the Lord.)
  • Ndichagara ndichikuvonga nekuda kwekundibatsira kuwana basa. (I will always thank you for helping me find a job.)
  • Anovonga mudzidzisi wake nekumukurudzira kudzidza. (He thanks his teacher for encouraging him to learn.)
  • Ndinokuvonga nekuvepo nguva dzose. (I thank you for always being there.)
  • Zita rake anonzi Vongai. (Her name is Vongai)