In the Shona language (or Chivanhu), wa is an essential verb root, and it forms the basis for many words related to falling.

Example sentences for wa

  • Mutengo wemafuta wakawa svondo rino. (The price of fuel fell this week.)
  • Shiri yakawa kubva mudenga. (The bird fell from the sky.)
  • Donje rakawa pasi. (The cotton fell on the ground.)
  • Ndiani akawisa girazi pasi? (Who caused the glass to fall/Who dropped the glass?) - Note the causative form "-wisa."
  • Murume akawira murwizi. (The man fell into the river.) - Using the applicative form "-wira" to show falling into something.
  • Denga richawa. (The sky will fall.) - A proverbial expression indicating a catastrophic event.