In the Shona language (or Chivanhu), wachi means a clock or a watch. A clock tells you the time. It has numbers for hours and minutes. A watch is a small clock. You can wear a watch on your wrist. Both clocks and watches help you know what time it is.
Example sentences for wachi
- Unogona kundiudza nguva here? Wachi yangu haisi kushanda. (Can you tell me the time? My watch is not working.)
- Ndatenga wachi itsva nhasi. (I bought a new watch today.)
- Vana vanodzidza kuverenga nguva vachishandisa wachi. (Children learn to tell time using a clock.)
- Baba vangu vakanditengera wachi itsva. (My father bought me a new watch.)
- Ndakanganwa kupfeka wachi yangu nhasi. (I forgot to wear my watch today.)