In the Shona language (Chivanhu), "waini" means wine. Wine is a drink made from grapes. The grapes are picked and then crushed into a liquid. That liquid is left to sit for a while. During this time, the grape sugar turns into alcohol, making the liquid wine. People like to drink wine at parties and with meals.
Example sentences for waini
- Waini inogadzirwa kubva kuma mumazambiringa. (Wine is made from grapes.)
- Usanwa waini yakawanda, inokudhakisa. (Don't drink too much wine; it will make you drunk.)
- Waini chena inotonhorera inonaka muzhizha. (Cold white wine is refreshing in summer.)
- Waini inodhura zvikuru muresitorendi iyi. (Wine is very expensive in this restaurant.)
- Waini iyi inobva kuSouth Africa. (This wine is from South Africa.)
- Pane mhando dzakawanda dzewaini, dzakadai sewaini tsvuku, chena, uye rosé. (There are many types of wine, such as red, white, and rosé.)