In the Shona language (or Chivanhu), "wani" is a word you use to remind someone of everything you've done for them. You might use it in a conversation if you feel the other person has forgotten how much you've helped them. It's like saying "gosh" or "good heavens" to show that you're frustrated or surprised that they don't seem to remember or appreciate what you've already done for them.

Example sentences for wani

  • Wani! Ndakakubatsira zvakawanda, ikozvino wava kundirasa. (Gosh! I helped you so much, and now you're abandoning me.) Expressing disappointment and disbelief at being abandoned after offering significant help). Showing surprise and frustration that someone has become distant after receiving financial assistance.
  • Wani! Ndakakupa mari, ikozvino hauchandidi. (Good heavens! I gave you money, and now you don't need me anymore.)
  • Wani! Ndakakutsigira nguva dzose, asi ikozvino haunditsigire. (Oh dear! I always supported you, but now you don't support me.) Expressing disappointment that someone is not reciprocating the support they received.