In the Shona language (or Chivanhu), warira means to make up a bed. It's what you do in the morning. You take the sheets and blankets and put them back on the bed. You make the bed look tidy. It has fresh sheets and looks nice.
Example sentences for warira
- Vashandi vepahotera vanowarira mibhedha yevaenzi mazuva ese. (Hotel workers make the guests' beds every day.)
- Mubhedha wakawarirwa zvakanaka unoita kuti rumhu iratidzike yakachena. (A well-made bed makes the room look tidy.)
- Ndakamuka mangwanani ndikawarira mubhedha wangu. (I woke up in the morning and made my bed.)
- Amai vangu vanoti ndinofanira kuwarira mubhedha wangu zuva nezuva. (Mother says I should make my bed every day.)
- Ndibatsire kuwarira mubhedha uyu, ndapota. (Please help me make this bed.)