Wastuck, bhagad

slang Wastuck, bhagad

The words "wastuck" and "bhagad" in Zim slang means to be damaged, spoiled or to throw a wrench in the works by disrupting the normal mode of operation.

However, 'bhagad' can also be used to refer to a person or when an object falls hard on the ground with a loud banging sound.

Alternatively, 'wastuck' is sometimes used in reference to the state of getting beaten up e.g. "Ukasandipa masinhi angu mangwana wangu ndokuita wastuck!"

The above example means: 'If you don't give me my things when tomorrow comes it's gonna be lights out for you."

Another Example Usage:
  • Person 1 -- "Mushini bhagad boss."
  • Person 2 -- "Ndiani auraya?"
  • Person 1 -- "Wafa wega, unogoda service shoma chete."