means: "where", "which", "who", or "whose"

Okay, check out a few examples I've written for you below.

Example sentences​

Popstar Joe Sixpack tok for interview e say im record single wey jrap for April dis year still dey do well well for YouTube an oda DSPs.

Popstar Joe Sixpack said in an interview his record single which came out in April this year is still doing great on YouTube and other digital streaming platforms (or digital service providers aka DSPs).

Dis na mata wey don die. E go kom up taim an taim agen.

This is a story (or a gossip) which doesn't end. It's going to come up time and time again.

Ip-ap recording artist Joe Blow wey govment niem na Joe Bloggs was baan for dd/mm/yyyy.

Hip-hop recording artist Joe Blow whose government name is Joe Bloggs was born on dd/mm/yyyy.

People wey get no sense dey suffer for life.

People who lack common sense are likely to have hardships in life.