means either "Zimbabwe", "Dzimbabwe", "Dzimbahwe", or "Zimbabwean"; however, the latter is normally used in instances such as these e.g., Zim men/women, Zim celebs, Zim socialites, Zim people, etc. I think y'all get the idea.

Another similar term although rarely used is Zimu.

Example sentences for Zim

Musi wa18 Kubvumbi izuva rekupemberera kuwana kuzvitonga kuzere muZimbabwe.

The 18th of April is the day of celebrating Independence in the Republic of Zimbabwe.

Mumhanzi wechinyakare muZimbabwe unozivikanwa nekushandiswa kwezviridzwa zvembira.

The traditional music of Zimbabwe is characterized by its use of mbira instruments.

Nguva pfupi yadarika ndakaverenga bhuku renhoroondo yeZimbabwe, raive neruzivo rwuzhinji.

I recently read a book about the history of Zimbabwe, which was very informative.

Nzvimbo yematongerwo enyika kana kuti chigaro chehurumende yeZimbabwe iHarare, rinova ndiro guta guru munyika.

The administrative center or seat of the government of Zimbabwe is Harare, which is also the country's largest city.