First date murume anofanira kushandisa mari yakawanda sei?

Generally speaking, most people should refrain from spending 3 times more money on brunches, romantic dinners, etc relative to what they make per hour. For example, if you make $20 an hour you ought not to go beyond $60 or more on your first date.

You clearly can't afford that lifestyle. You just want to show off but the question remains: will you be able to maintain the standard you have set in regards to future dates? Eh, probably not, and that's the entire point I am making.

Any person that expects you to spend more than that is definitely out of your league.

They are pretty much high maintenance just like what @Chidinma pointed out in her post.


It's funny how a single person's food expenditure can around be around $20.70 if they decided to spoil themselves whilst a relationship dinner will all of a sudden jump to $120.49 and beyond.


@Sekuru Dhorofiya munhu anofanira kushandisa mari yaanayo.

Kana munhu ari pa freezit budget ngaasiyane nevanoda mashampeni.

Munhu oga-oga anofanirwa kunge achiziva league rake pasina amuudza.

Hapana chakaipa zve kutambira muDivision 2 kana muDivision 3.

Eheka, ndomunge mutori mako imomo mumbombera memabhuza!

Unenge uchida kumboenda kupi zvako iwe uri tsuro yemubhuku?