Zvinoita here kuti murume ayende kumafaro ega?

Numero Uno

grand master
Word rauri kushandisa rekuti "mafaro" it's sounds vague, since pakuti "mafaro" zvinogona kureva zvinhu zvakawanda senge:
  • Kunoona bhora nevamwe varume
  • Kugochi-gochi (i.e., braii)
  • Kuenda kuma All White Party
  • etc. zvakango daro-daro so
Hapana chakaipa kuti murume aende ega kumafaro wifey or gero rake risipo. Depending with the environment.


grand master
Those are extreme exceptions which are far from the norm.

The issue is kumafaro sometimes kune maslay queens anogona kunyengetedza zaddy and next thing you know zaddy vobvuma zvemutambo wechikuru.

So saying: "yes oans should leave their main daiges at home," sounds to me like a recipe for disaster.


grand master
Haiwawo usanyepe. Zvema sidechick chihure chiya. Hapana zvekuti unofficial polygamy unless you have made the effort to bring it up on notice. Most oans don't.

If the next oan brings it up the daige will start skimming you have already smashed the next item though. So it's damned if you do and damned if you don't, a whole lotta catch-22 situation.