Unoudza sei mumwe murume kuti mukadzi ake arikuita zvehupfambi?

Nyaya dzehupfambi nechihule-hule dzagara dzinonetsa kunyangwe hazvo vanhu kadzi vachiregerera kupfuura vanhu rume.

Chakafukidza dzimba matenga—what if it’s an open relationship?

Ngatitange kubva ipapo, nekuti the main oan wacho might not mind that mukadzi wake anombo enda kune murume anorova lula-lula 50 rounds yekedero!

I mean people are different and you never know who is a cuckold and who isn't a cuckold, saka ndikoko!
Murume chaiye akachenjera kana mukadzi akakwana kuti kwesere haaedze kuita hunhu huno poronga rudo rwevamwe pamusaka pekuda kuzvibatanidza munyaya dzevanhu vaviri.

And it doesn't matter if you have good intentions or not.

You have to act as if it’s none of your business by looking to the side.

Nekuti mangwana vachati uri munhu akaipa especially if you don't have any credible v11s to prove what you are saying about mudzimai wemunhu.


grand master
Nyaya dzehupfambi nechihule-hule dzagara dzinonetsa kunyangwe hazvo vanhu kadzi vachiregerera kupfuura vanhu rume.

Chakafukidza dzimba matenga—what if it’s an open relationship?

Ngatitange kubva ipapo, nekuti the main oan wacho might not mind that mukadzi wake anombo enda kune murume anorova lula-lula 50 rounds yekedero!

I mean people are different and you never know who is a cuckold and who isn't a cuckold, saka ndikoko!


@Queen if it's an open relationship there is nothing else to say. It's self-explanatory already. Unless it's an open relationship with boundaries.

However, from the outside looking in you wouldn't know those boundaries either.

Semuyenzaniso, some couples can be in an open relationship, and one of the boundaries is that you can only deal with one person on the side—thus dealing with two or more people is out of bounds.

In other words, if you are fully aware of those boundaries then perhaps you can advise the next oan about what's going on behind his back. If not then you ought to ignore other people's situationships.

Bla Jedza

It depends whether mukadzi wemunhu here oro if they are just dating pasina kana zvayo engagement ring.

Kana ari mukadzi akaroorwa it's better to stay on mute because some men are short-tempered and they won't be open-minded to hear anything bad about their wives—maybe kudyiswa!

It's as if you would've insulted mudzimai wake kumuti ihwaga whilst iye achitohura nechikomba chake zveshuwa.

Numero Uno

grand master
It depends whether mukadzi wemunhu here oro if they are just dating pasina kana zvayo engagement ring.

Kana ari mukadzi akaroorwa it's better to stay on mute because some men are short-tempered and they won't be open-minded to hear anything bad about their wives—maybe kudyiswa!

It's as if you would've insulted mudzimai wake kumuti ihwaga whilst iye achitohura nechikomba chake zveshuwa.

Kudyiswa what?


grand master
That's gross!

Kudyisa murume ropa rekumwedzi ndokuti zviite sei manje?

Kushandiswa kweropa rwokumwedzi zvinowanzoitwa nevakadzi vanenge vagwinha shoroma circumstantially.

Ndosaka muChivanhu oans vasina kuroora (or even vakaroora vacho) vachiwanzo kurairwa kuti varege tsika yekuenda kwese-kwese vachingodya anything chambikwa by daiges whom they are supposedly having an affair with.

However, chisingazivikanwe nevanhu vazhinji ndechekuti nzira iyi inogona kukupandukira and cause problems for you.

Izvi zvinoitika nekuti nyaya yekuda ku sorta munhu nemushonga means rudo urwu won't be stable considering that iwe unenge wakanganisa kuda kwemumwe munhu (id est, you'd have tampered with someone's will from a spiritual perspective without them giving you consent).

Uyezve unogona kupedzisira wave kufanira uchiramba uchizviita routinely so that murume uyu doesn't go back to his factory settings, for example, if you only want him for money. Of which this can be easily achieved if the daige stays with him (id est, kubika mapoto).

If she doesn't stay with him she can alternatively make sure she has in possession one of his belongings, for example, nduwe yake and as a consequence, use it for mbashto lob parangglz.

But then again that means she won't be using ropa rwokumwedzi in that case, although this method will probably have more effect than zveropa rekumwedzi izvo.


grand master
Di paat boht hau tings bakfyre.

It's straightforward wani—a strong spiritual connection will be established if done successfully.

The downside is next oan can become extremely obsessive in contrast to what the daige wanted in the first place, and in reality, she won't be able to deal with that especially when she wants to leave him for another oan.

So there's no doubt next oan will likewise gradually become even more aggressive as well if he finds out that's what about to happen.


@Tafadzwa Twabam there is not so much to do in that scenario because anenge angoriwo mukadzi ane zemo tew much. So even if you inform mudiwa wake that won't necessarily get rid of shavi rechihure which she probably has.

Why is that mukadzi akahura y'all are quick to say she has shavi rehupfambi but murume ano hurira mukadzi wake y'all stay on mute?

My point is: shavi rechihure goes both ways!