
  1. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "cyan" Examples sentences for sayan
  2. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "violet" Example sentences for vayalet
  3. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "magenta" Example sentences
  4. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "gray" (or "grey") Example sentences Other phrases containing grie En JC Gray area Grie ieria Gray market Grie maakit Iron-gray Hayan-grie Gray matter Grie mata Slate-gray Sliet-grie
  5. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "white" Example sentences Other phrases containing wait En JC White-hot Wait-hot Off-white Aff-wait Whitefish Waitfish Lily-white Lili-wait White bread Wait bred
  6. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "light" Example sentences Other phrases containing lait En JC Light up Lait op Light gun Lait gon Red light Red lait Blacklight Blaklait Greenlight Griinlait
  7. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "spectrum" Example sentences Other phrases containing spekchrom En JC Radio spectrum Riedio spekchrom A broad spectrum Wan braad spekchrom On the spectrum Pan/pon di spekchrom Autism spectrum disorder Autizim spekchrom disaada Electromagnetic spectrum Ilekchomagnetik...
  8. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "yellow" Example sentences Other phrases containing yelo En JC Yellow-belly Yelo-beli Yellow lines Yelo laindem Yellow cards Yelo kaaddem Yellow pages Yelo piejdem
  9. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "black" Example sentences Other phrases containing blak En JC Black ice Blak ais Black eye Blak ai Blackout Blakout Black box Blak bax Black gold Black guol Blacklight Blaklait Black magic Blak majik
  10. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "green" Example sentences Other phrases containing griin En JC Green tea Griin tii Green bin Griin bin Green card Griin kaad Greenlight Griinlait Green beans Griin biindem Green energy Griin heneji
  11. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "color" Example sentences Other phrases containing kola En JC Off color Af kola Oil color Ail kola Color line Kola lain Color codes Kola kuoddem Person of color Poersn a kola Color television Kola telivijan
  12. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "road" Example sentences Other phrases containing ruod En JC Off-road Af ruod Link road Lingk ruod High road Ai ruod Road sign Ruod sain Road trip Ruod chrip
  13. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "what" Example sentences Similar words: wa wara (also spelt as "warra" or "wharrah") Other phrases containing wah En JC So what? Suh wah? Say what? Seh wah? Now what? Nou wah? You-know-what Yuh-nuo-wah?
  14. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "thing" In plural form, it's "tingdem, tingz or tingx". Example sentences Other phrases containing ting En JC The real thing Di riil ting Pretty young thing Priti yong ting The next big thing Di nex big ting A close-run thing Wan kluos-ron ting One thing leads to...
  15. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means " boy" (also spelt as bwoy) Example sentences Other phrases containing bwai En JC Bad boy Bad bwai Old boy Uol bwai Fly boy Flai bwai Frat boy Frat bwai Boy band Bwai ban Head boy Ed bwai Cover boy Kova bwai Little boy Likkle bwai Small boy Sumaal bwai
  16. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "deets" (i.e., details) Example sentences
  17. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means "girl" or "chick" Example sentences Other phrases containing gyal En JC Ball girl Baal gyal Call girl Kaal gyal Cam girl Kam gyal Old girl Uol gyal Girl band Gyal ban Head girl Ed gyal Young girl Yong gyal Cover girl Kova gyal Flower girl Flowa gyal House girl...
  18. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means: "creep" Example sentences Other phrases containing kriip En JC Creep in Kriip iin Creep out Kriip out Creep in something Kriip iin sopm Creep up on somebody Kriip op aan smadi
  19. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    1: "we" 2: "us" 3: "our" 4: will (or will be) Example sentences
  20. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means: "soft" Example sentences Other phrases containing saaf En JC Soft top Saaf tap Soft key Saaf kii Soft drug Saaf jrog Soft drink Saaf jrink Soft core Saaf kuo Soft play Saaf plie Soft porn Saaf paan Soft goods Saaf guddem