
  1. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means either a verbal or a physical attack laced with sheer unadulterated hatred. Note: Vhayorenzi is often used as a popular hashtag on social media platforms by Zimbaz to draw attention by gathering around more people (i.e., a Zimbo audience) especially when two or more influencers are going...
  2. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Kumhanya bani

    kumhanya bani means acting out of character whilst behaving in abnormal ways as though your intelligence quotient (IQ) is below 70; however, not necessarily because you have an intellectual disability (ID) (kurwara nepfungwa). But often due to either a high intake of drugs or liquor or simply...
  3. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Vakadzi haumbovapedza asi ndiwe ungatopera

    vakadzi haumbovapedza asi ndiwe ungatopera this is a cautionary message, particularly to HVM ("high-value men") without any sense of dick discipline, hence the underlying meaning is that even though women may throw themselves at you, it's practically impossible to fulfill all your fantasies and...
  4. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    skweeeeeeya means an equal outcome or an honest agreement between all parties involved wherein everyone benefits without any particular member being swindled (kuvharwa or kukwidibirwa). Another alternative spelling is skweya. Note: This word skweeeeeeya is pretty much a butchered Shongrish way...
  5. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Waita mutete

    waita mutete 1: this means the situation at hand is well above your pay grade, either because you lack the necessary qualifications or because you are not a member of the power circle -- you are a nobody! 2: a phrase used for saying, "you and I are not on the same level; you're beneath me. You...
  6. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    rukawo this is a serious spiritually powered security fence (or a firewall, if you will) that you as a jealous spouse you request from a n'anga or sangoma ("traditional healer") so that you can punish your significant other and their side piece too when they sleep together. You can also choose...
  7. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    kopoo 1: a violent way of striking someone with your forehead to inflict pain so that they get to understand who's the real mbinga ("boss"). 2: a technique that's unique to soccer (or association football) where players use their heads to maneuver the ball in mid-air toward whatever direction...
  8. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Discussion thread: Central Intelligence Organisation of Zimbabwe

    Hey y'all, so I need a couple of synonyms for the Central Intelligence Organisation of the Republic of Zimbabwe. I was thinking of including mangonjo. What do y'all oans think?
  9. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Vana vaPapa

    vana vapapa is a catch-all pejorative phrase used to describe church members who never question their cultic self-styled prophets. All they seem to do on a regular basis, especially on sosho media is defend their self-anointed Papa (or church founder) often with a repetitive response that a man...
  10. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Kuzvipa pressure

    kuzvipa pressure 1: This is a rat race of hustling backwards when competing with people out of your league (mbinga). It is better to save and invest your coins than to wastefully spend them (kuzhanya mari, kuridza mari, or kuzhanda mari) on a lavish lifestyle you can barely afford without...
  11. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Kupinda mumunda mevanhu

    kupinda mumunda mevanhu means to irritate someone (or a group of people), especially by interfering with something that is their responsibility or getting involved in matters that are too personal. For example, when you try to insert yourself in a lovers' quarrel instead of just minding your...
  12. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    chibhende 1: a coded or secret language that is used to conceal information or to avoid being explicit especially when you are, for instance, in public spaces where you can easily be heard by elders (vanyarikani). For example, the following phrase "togona kungorasvi bhibhe kora" is an anagram...
  13. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Kana ndatuka nditi sorry, ndatuka here askana?

    kana ndatuka nditi sorry, ndatuka here askana? this means if I have cursed you out or someone else, please accept my apologies; however, if I haven't said anything wrong, why bother? Note: Almost every time, Tatelicious Karigambe-Sandberg will say this Shona saying when she does social...
  14. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    galembe means a voluptuous onion-shaped curvaceous figure that is guaranteed to make heads turn everywhere. Etymology Galembe comes from a combination of garo ("booty" i.e., magaro, shure, magadziko, or matako in chiShona language) and lembe (i.e., chibhende for something huge, a prominent...
  15. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Muswe, nyanga

    muswe (or musve) from a slang perspective, this means a person (or a bottom) who likes to take on a receptive role (kufemerwa mugotsi) and in a BDSM context, this refers to whoever plays a passive, or submissive role within the relationship. nyanga this is what you'd call a "top" id est, a...
  16. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Mari haipedzi chibharanzi asi chibharanzi chinopedza mari

    mari haipedzi chibharanzi asi chibharanzi chinopedza mari this means your bank balance may not necessarily compensate for your uncouth behavior or your lack of grace, even if you continue to accumulate more wealth. You should also be cautious that living a lavish lifestyle of trying to please...
  17. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    bhesi it's usually a place (e.g., a friend or a relative's house) with free temporary accommodation where some Zimbo men bring their girlfriends to enjoy a few rounds because they often don't have funds for a better location e.g., a lodge or a hotel. For interest's sake, Zimbo men with money...
  18. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Kutengesa muriwo

    kutengesa muriwo this phrase from a slang perspective can either mean one of the following: 1: the act of selling your body and trading sexual favors in return for money, a corporate business deal, etc. 2: the act of being a content creator whilst selling NSFW adult material, particularly in...
  19. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Kudya mudhoto

    kudya mudhoto this means tossing the salad... wait, eating booty is sometimes referred to as analingus or rimming the chocolate factory. It involves oral-to-anal contact, e.g., licking, kissing, and perhaps followed by a bit of pegging. However, don't anybody want to be farted on (kusurirwa)...
  20. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    slang Mabhisvo, mabhitsvo

    mabhisvo or mabhitsvo 1: any type or brand of biscuits. 2: a large amount or a batch of pills, particularly controlled substances that can only be purchased with a prescription but are meant to be sold illegally both on sosho media streets or offline as well.