pc games

  1. B

    EA has no plans to release a new Dead Space video game just yet

    Electronic Arts, or EA, has no plans to release a new Dead Space video game just yet. Earlier this week, there was a rumor that development on a Dead Space 2 remake had been put on hold. However, EA claims that the supposed development never took place.
  2. B

    Cyberpunk 2077 earned $750 million so far

    CD Projekt RED has earned $750 million from the action role-playing video game Cyberpunk 2077 so far. The video game is set in the fictional metropolis of Night City, California.
  3. T

    What is "DPS" in gaming?

    What does DPS meaning in gaming?
  4. Numero Uno

    Is Esports Competitive Gaming Really A Sport?

    What are y'all oans thoughts on the debate or discussion of whether Esports competitive gaming should be considered a sport just like soccer, rugby, basketball and etc?
  5. Numero Uno

    Ndeipi Pfuti Inonyatsoita muEpic Games Fortnite - Chapter 2?

    MuFortnite Chapter 2 ndeipi pfuti yekuti inonyatsoranga mapenzi?
  6. Bla Jedza

    Vhidhiyo Gemu "Fortnite" - Chapter 2 Inombotambwa Sei?

    How far nevhidhiyo gemu Fortnite, zvinombofamba sei?