The knob “Q” on a parametric equalizer stands for “quality factor” and it adjusts the range of the frequencies affected by the filter.

A lower Q factor of 0.5 will have a much wider scope of influence than for example, a Q factor of 2 on a generic/standard parametric equalizer.

This means a Q factor of 0.5 will be more suitable for a broader influence on the frequency spectrum than a higher Q factor of 2 and vice versa.

Surgical EQ and Quality Factor

The end game of using a parametric equalizer for surgical mixing/mastering purpose is that you will more likely end up using a higher Q factor setting.

Obviously that’s because a higher Q factor allows you to precisely focus on the target offending frequency with affecting the surrounding frequencies.

Therefore the rule of thumb is for surgical equalizing you ought to use a clean equalizer which offers a higher variable Q factor to suit your needs.

Quality Factor & Frequency Octaves

The following is a simple list of Q factors paired with their approximate ‘width’ in octaves:

  • 0.7 = 2 octaves
  • 1 = 1 1/3 octaves
  • 1.4 = 1 octave
  • 2.8 = 1/2 octave
  • 4.3 = 1/3 octave
  • 8.6 = 1/6 octave

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