In this FL Studio music theory tutorial we will discuss the process of constructing “minor triads” within FL Studio’s piano roll.
The fundamental thing about constructing minor triads is being familiar with the formula for minor triads just like when you are building a major triad you also have to know the formula to do so.
Anyways the formula for building a minor triad is = Root + Minor Third + Perfect Fifth
NOTE: “minor third” means the distance or interval from the root or initial note = “3 half steps”. On the other hand “perfect fifth” means the distance or interval from the root or initial note = “7 half steps”.
Building a C Minor Triad in FL Studio Roll
Let’s now construct a basic C minor triad by going through the following steps:
Step 1: List down all the notes in the key of C minor natural scale.
Notes in C minor natural scale = C, D, Eb, F, G, Ab, Bb
Step 2: The formula for creating a minor triad is: initial note + minor 3rd + perfect 5th.
So pick the 1st note of the scale then count 3 half steps from the initial note to find the 2nd note for the chord and finally count 7 half steps from the initial note to find the 3rd note for the chord.
For example, counting 3 half steps to find the 2nd note of C minor triad from the initial note C means:
- C# = 1st half step
- D = 2nd half step
- Eb = 3rd half step!
Eventually, counting 7 half steps to find the 3rd note of C minor triad from the initial note C means:
- C# = 1st half step
- D = 2nd half step
- Eb = 3rd half step
- E = 4th half step
- F = 5th half step
- F# = 6th half step
- G = 7th half step!
Therefore C minor triad has the notes = C-Eb-G.
The most important thing to remember when constructing minor triad chords is to be familiar with the formula. From there onward you just have to pick a scale and build minor triads accordingly.
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