Serum sound design tutorial on how to make a whine synth lead. First of all initialize Xfer Records Serum to a blank patch to get started from scratch. By the way this will be a very simple sound design tutorial with nothing complicated.
1) A blank patch of Xfer Serum synthesizer.
2) For Osc A we are going to be using a simple triangle waveform pitched two octaves up. Click the wavetables menu and navigate to the Analog wavetable sub-menu to select Basic Shapes which comes with Xfer Serum.
The triangle waveform will be on wavetable position 3 which you can select with the WT Position knob. Next the Phase to 90 and bring down the Rand Knob to zero.
3) Turn on Osc B and the default waveform will be a simple sawtooth. That’s what we are going to use with the pitch set to +1 Octave and 2 unison voices. Finally set the detune amount to 0.02 for Osc B.
Whine Synth Lead Filter and Amp Section in Xfer Serum
4) Both oscillators should be routed to the Filter however we will you use a MG Low 12 filter type. The cutoff point set that to 1k (1 000Hz) and increase the resonance to 15%.
Drive knob should be around 15% and therefore 25% for the Filter Variance (FAT).
5) For the Amp Envelope all you have to do is increase the attack time to 15 ms and release time t0 30ms.
Modulation and Voicing.
6) Drag the Velocity modulation source to the Filter Drive and set the modulation amount to 20.
7) On the Voicing section enable both Mono and Legato mode. Next increment the Portamento time to 70ms.
Effects for Whine Synth Lead
8) The first effect we are going to use is a Hyper Dimension. Configure the settings for the Hyper Dimension as follows:
- Rate = 5%,
- Detune = 10%,
- Unison = 2 voices,
- Hyp_Wet = 10%
Leave the Dimension size at 50% and adjust the Dimension mix to 10%.
9) The second effect will be a Soft Clip Distortion. Configure the settings for the Soft Clip Distortion as follows:
- Drive = 20%,
- Mix = 20%
10) The third effect it’s going to be a Chorus FX. Adjust the settings for the Chorus as follows:
- Rate = 0.08Hz
- Delay1= 5.0ms
- Delay2 = 0ms
- Depth = 6.0ms
- Mix = 20%.
11) The fourth effect load an EQ with the following settings: toggle the high pass filter and moving the Freq to 140Hz. Reduce the Q value to 45% and that’s about it.
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