
  1. Numero Uno

    What does the Christian Holy Bible say about social media?

    Should Christians use social media platforms and what does the Holy Bible, in general, say about other things relating to the internet?
  2. Numero Uno

    Mweya Wenjuzu Unotaurwa Here muBhaibheri?

    Panewo here mavhesi emuBhaibheri anotaura nezve kuvepo kwemweya wenjuzu?
  3. Numero Uno

    VaEfeso 5:18

    Verse riri muBhaibheri vaEfeso 5:18, what do y'all oans think about that vaEfeso verse in regards to people who say muKristu should never sip mhamba, waini, musombodhiya oro ngoma.
  4. Numero Uno

    Can A Modern Christian Be Rich Without Tithing?

    There are numerous prophets and pastors who say in order for a Christian to be prosperous they have to somehow find ways to tithe regularly and use some of their hard-earned money in church offerings. Do y'all oans agree with this type of message?