
  1. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Discussion thread: controversial self-styled prophets in Zimbabwe

    As some of you are well aware, Heaven Army Commander Daniel Remnant ("Prophet Talent Madungwe") returned from Heaven after receiving his promotion. Thus he took over from where Jehovah's archangel Michael left off. Ain't that good news y'all? Otherwise, check out my post on vana vaPapa. All...
  2. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Vana vaPapa

    vana vapapa is a catch-all pejorative phrase used to describe church members who never question their cultic self-styled prophets. All they seem to do on a regular basis, especially on sosho media is defend their self-anointed Papa (or church founder) often with a repetitive response that a man...
  3. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    A list of Holy Scriptures in Shona

    To begin with, the Holy Bible in chiShona language is called Bhaibheri, and a person who wholeheartedly accepts Jesus Christ (the Son of Man) as his survivor, that is to say, a Christian regardless of denomination (or any particular church they go to) is called muKristu. Note: chiKristu should...
  4. Numero Uno

    Sei kusina Pope wechikadzi?

    Pane pachazombovawo nemufudzi wechikadzi here muRoman Catholic church?
  5. Borrowdale Barron

    Zionism, Judaism and Christianity

    What's a major difference between Zionism, Judaism, and Christianity?
  6. Scorpio

    Prophet Uebert Angel sei achinzi "Daddy" nemumwe murume?

    Ambonyanyokosha zvakaita seiko Prophet Uebert Angel zvaanonzi "daddy" nemumwe murume?
  7. Lenard

    makuhwa Prophet Walter Magaya's controversial HIV/AIDS cure ('Aguma Onco')

    Prophetic Healing and Deliverance Ministries Prophet Walter Magaya has launched what he claims to be a cure for HIV/AIDS and made assertions that it can turn an HIV-positive person to being fully negative in just about 14 days after taking the Aguma herb treatment.
  8. Lenard

    Apostle T.F Chiwenga calls out Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa

    Watch as Apostle T.F. Chiwenga proceeds to make claims that UFIC's (United Family International Church) Prophet Emmanuel Makandiwa is not a true prophet of God and is so much more of a person who is into sorcery, divination, and necromancy.
  9. Borrowdale Barron

    How come none of Zimbabwe's prophets saw the cholera outbreak coming?

    Why is it that there wasn't any so-called man of God or Papa this and Papa that, who could by any means foresee the coming plague of cholera outbreak in the Republic of Zimbabwe?
  10. Borrowdale Barron

    Apostle T.F Chiwenga latest prophecy

    What is Apostle T.F. Chiwenga's latest prophecy about and can y'all explain Apostle T.F Chiwenga's teachings?
  11. Borrowdale Barron

    Gospel of prosperity in Zimbabwe

    Why can't people open their eyes when it comes to false prophets and how they finesse the congregation on a weekly basis? The gospel of prosperity in the Republic of Zimbabwe has taken a step further where you find people believing in things like miracle money instead of hard work.