grand master
Does Tonderai Sakupwanya have more money than Ginimbi (Genius Kadungure)?
Net worth is always difficult to calculate. Just like there are people with money you have never heard of.
Does Tonderai Sakupwanya have more money than Ginimbi (Genius Kadungure)?
When did he date Pokello? Was it before Stunner?
Pokello snatched her BFF's boyfriend (Pound). In actual fact, Pokello used to make trips to the U.S. up until she got banned by the U.S. government.
So no more American Visa for the Queen of Swagger?
What happened between him and Pokello?
It's now old news now but apparently The Queen of Swagger was a small house to Pound since he was married during the time when they were seeing each other.
I wonder if Elikem Kumordzie ever took consideration into all this.
Y'all need to start putting some respek on Elikem Kumordzie.
For what? For dating Pokello Nare?
They were married hello?