Unganwa Here Mukaka Wengamera?

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Vamwe vanhu vedzimwe nyika vanonwa mukaka wengamera ("camel's milk") nekuti vanoti ivo une mabhenefiti ehutano anosanganisira se kudzivirira gomarara, chirwere cheshuga, uye chirwere chemwoyo.


  • Mukaka Wengamera (Camel's Milk).jpg
    Mukaka Wengamera (Camel's Milk).jpg
    105 KB · Views: 200
  • Unganwa Here Mukaka Wengamera.jpg
    Unganwa Here Mukaka Wengamera.jpg
    456.3 KB · Views: 210


grand master
What about nyama yengamera, ungaidya here?

Kana iri nyama ye camel perhaps ndinogona kuedza kuruma zvishoma kuti ndimbonzwa kuti inonaka sei. Zvichida pamwe inonaka kupfuura nyama yemombe—zvinhu zviyedzwa. ?

However, I have similar thoughts with @Shamiso maererano ne camel's milk because neniwo futi mukaka uyo maya ngazvigare, handiko itai mega.


Ndakamboedza kunwa mukaka wembudzi—it tastes weird, and that being the case, ini ndoda mukaka wemombe chete, so thank you! Zvimwe izvo, haibo!


Ndiri kungoda kuziva kuti vanhu vakasvika sei pakuzoda mukaka wema camels?

In the old days, there wasn't clean water as much as there is today; people resorted to other means to hydrate such as milk or drinks like mead (i.e. fermented milk and honey).

For example, in the Middle East camels served the dual purpose of transport and milk, so it was easier to drink camel milk, same with cows, and goats having dual purpose jobs in different parts of the world.

Borrowdale Barron

grand master
Ini handidi mukaka wengamera, asi zvigunwe zvengamera zvinounza kunyemwerera kumeso kwangu, uyezve ndinobva ndanzwa ropa rangu kumhanya. ?
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