The average tempo of Zimdancehall music is typically around 80 to 110 beats per minute ("andante"). The upper tempo variance i.e., the swift side of Zimdancehall (which makes it great for exuberant dancing) is also why it's so popular with young people, particularly those in high-density areas. In contrast, traditional Zimbabwean music (with the exception of jiti, museve or sungura music) is often more relaxed with a focus on storytelling and cultural traditions.

On the downside, a huge majority of Zimdancehall songs are repetitive since there are too many recyclers of weak and unimaginative lyrics. The industry has over the years grown a tendency to churn out more and more easily forgettable upbeat records because of the current trend of creating a vibe rather than imparting a message; notwithstanding, that is still objectively good for business. Zimbabwe isn't a country with too much artistic freedom.