
  1. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    kungwavha-ngwavha means toing and froing from one hustle to another as a means to secure a sustainable grind (i.e., source of income). Related terms Synonyms Kujingirisa Kujoinhidza Kusota madhiri Kukiya-kiya (or kukiyakiya)
  2. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    N'anga haizvirape

    n'anga haizvirape (or n'anga haizvirapi) Literal meaning: a sangoma ("traditional healer") can't diagnose and heal themself. Contextual meaning: when an authoritative person whose role is to enforce the law gets caught up in corruption, or supposedly if they commit a heinous crime, it makes...
  3. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Chi zhing-zhong

    chi zhing-zhong this means Chinese language and it doesn't matter what dialect it is whether it's Mandarin, Cantonese, or whatever. Chi zhing-zhong is sometimes loosely used in reference to Oriental culture just like how the word Chivheti is used in the context of Occidental culture. However...
  4. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    or homwe means a medium (a living person) for either mhondoro or mudzimu (a spirit of a deceased person). Note: To keep things simple and without being too verbose just think of svikiro as someone who is possessed by a late influential ancestor of the same tribe or someone closely related to...
  5. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Murombo munhu haavigwe asina kufa

    murombo munhu haavigwe asina kufa Literal translation: a pauper is a human being, they shouldn't be buried alive for being poor. What it means: every single person regardless of their socioeconomic status should be treated without any form of discrimination; neither should they be constantly...
  6. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Bharanzi kugwinha gwalangwa hakudanwi anonzwa

    bharanzi kugwinha gwalangwa hakudanwi anonzwa means when an uncultivated person starts making a few coins they are often too eager to let the world know they are now a mbingaldo by flashing money whilst the wealthy remain steady — moving in silence. Note: Although people are entitled to do...
  7. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Mhondoro, mudzimu

    mhondoro means a tutelary spirit of a dead prominent ancestor (or a progenitor) that gets to be hosted by a svikiro (i.e., a living person who plays the role of being a medium by bridging the gap between people who are still alive and those who have passed on). mudzimu means the spirit of a...
  8. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    slang Roora squad

    roora squad these are bridesmaids at a traditional wedding, or in other words, a group of ladies who accompany a woman (muroora) who is about to be traditionally married at her official lobola ceremony (i.e. also known as either rovora or roora ceremony). Note: roora is a traditional practice...
  9. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    tsikamutanda means a witch-hunter or a traditional exorcist. They are usually paid by people to catch zvikwambo or zvidhoma. However, some (but not all) of these traditional exorcists are bogus because they will covertly plant their stuff (for example, a snake) at someone's house and then...
  10. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    shavi (or shave) this is a foreign or alien spirit (mweya wemutorwa) that is not associated with your clan's tutelary spirit (mhondoro) or the spirit of your ancestor (mudzimu). By the way, be mindful that there is a difference between mhondoro and mudzimu. Note: The plural form for either...
  11. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Chidhoma (chitupwani)

    chidhoma or chitupwani can either mean a familiar spirit or the spirit of a deceased person (mweya wemunhu akafa) that is collected from a grave at a cemetery (or a mausoleum) and is often stored mudende (calabash or gourd) and sometimes, although rare, in a little plate called mbiya comprising...
  12. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Gaburenda (Magaba)

    means Mbare, a high-density area located in the capital city of Zimbabwe i.e., Harare. Note: Gaburenda isn't much of a popular word with many Zimbos, especially those living in posh suburbs in Zimbabwe. But most people are familiar with the slang term Magaba which means the same thing.
  13. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    slang Kuvha

    kuvha Definition: a soft drink or any type of non-alcoholic beverage except bottled water. SN example: EN translation:
  14. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Mbiri yekenduru kukuzirirwa kunzi rino pfuta apa ndiro ririkupera

    mbiri yekenduru kukuzirirwa kunzi rino pfuta apa ndiro ririkupera Literal translation: it's the glory of a candle to burn bright yet it will soon extinguish. What it means: usually when a successful person is at the top of their game and things are going extremely well for them they are often...
  15. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means to act and behave without any forethought and for this reason, people who have dzungu (also known as bvepfepfe or kubhabhauka) are very impulsive and most likely not to have any filter whatsoever. Obviously to have dzungu is a weakness because you don't want to provoke the wrong crowd...
  16. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Itsitsi Dzeyi Bere Kukumbira Kutamba Nevana Vembudzi?

    itsitsi dzeyi bere kukumbira kutamba nevana vembudzi? Literal translation: why is it compassionate for a hyena to ask to play with kids (i.e. juvenile goats). What it means: there is always something wrong when, for example, a repeat offender or an abusive person promises you they will make it...
  17. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    slang Smart yekukwereta

    smart yekukwereta (or smart rekukwereta) Definition: to wear expensive designer clothes that you have just borrowed from one of your rich friends, cousin, or neighbor. There some Zimbos do this as a means to look the part especially when they are going for an interview, attending a wedding, or...
  18. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    means a woman with little to no experience performing invigorating rhythms of passion (also known as chikapa chengwena in chiShona language) during lovemaking. And often they are more into vanilla sex. Note: in Zimbabwe, there are different opinions regarding whether it's okay for young women...
  19. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    slang Kudhomoka

    kudhomoka (or kuzeyeretsa in formal chiShona) means to act kinda weird or go extremely out of control often as a result of taking highly addictive drugs such as methamphetamine, cocaine, valium, marijuana, etc. There are of course other numerous Zim slang synonyms but some of them depend on...
  20. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    1: "there" (i.e., an adverb when you've gots to make reference to a place or location) 2: the verb "to be" (i.e., am, are, is, was, and were) Note: Deh ("day" or "de" if y'all wanna write it that way) can also be used just like the NPE linking verb dey. Example sentences Other phrases...