Methinks artists are making a huge, gigantic mistake going after AI in a way that will hurt them. And by fighting for this silly "opt-out" battle, you are just digging your own grave. In case you'll succeed, AI companies will be able to claim that AI-generated art is 100% legal, hence a "fair" competitor. At the same time, you won't protect anything, because AI software allows users to train their datasets, at home, using whatever they want. So you'll have unfair competition that will crush you, and your work won't be protected anyway.

Frederik Hermansen

Perhaps, there will soon be no incentive to create original high-effort art, as it will be immediately run through models and copied at no risk to the generator. No one will care about the original, because the AI versions will look better to most people. There's a chance original artists could sell their art to the model-makers, but that market will also die once AI can make creative choices that people like and generate new original art.