
  1. Borrowdale Barron

    question How do you tell a daige she is getting overweight?

    How would you tell your main chick she is gaining too much weight without body-shaming her?
  2. Numero Uno

    Do long distance relationships work?

    What's your take on long distance relationships?
  3. Numero Uno

    question Do y'all oans think true love exists?

    What you oans say about true love? Do y'all think true love exists in modern times?
  4. Numero Uno

    What is an objective hater?

    What makes someone an objective hater?
  5. Borrowdale Barron

    What is the difference between a narcissist and a clout chaser?

    Is there any significant difference between someone being a narcissist or a clout chaser?
  6. Numero Uno

    How would you describe a free spirit person?

    What exactly is the meaning behind certain people describing themselves to be free spirits?
  7. Numero Uno

    What is a pansexual person?

    When someone says or identify as being pansexual what do they mean by that?
  8. Numero Uno

    Bow Wow's suicidal tweet

    American hip-hop rapper Bow Wow posted a suicidal tweet on the social media platform Twitter. The message Bow Wow (i.e., Shad Moss) wrote reads like this, "Feel like jumping off this balcony." It's quite sad to witness Mr. Moss being in a dark place and hopefully, everything goes well for him...
  9. Numero Uno

    Why do some women dislike men for being virgins?

    Why are some women put off by men who say they are virgins? What's really the logic behind that type of reasoning?
  10. Numero Uno

    Do faithful men exist?

    Do you think when it comes to love, dating, and relationships there are some men who are truly committed and faithful to their wives or girlfriends feeling the urge to have a fling with other women?
  11. Numero Uno

    What is the main reason slay queens get blessers online?

    Blessers and blessees what's the whole deal with these types of interactions on blesser dating sites.