What are the weird things Zim celebrities do for clout on sosho media?



What's the future for Chillspot Records with Levels (Rodger Kadzimwe) missing in the game?


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What's the future for Chillspot Records with Levels (Rodger Kadzimwe) missing in the game?

I have no idea but I am sure the deij she'll be putting out a statement that has already been drafted for her whatever the outcome is. She ain't got nothing to lose if she lied or not. Other than maybe both Zim hip-hop and Zimdancehall turning on her.


I personally think Levels is innocent.

I also think Shashl she's lying about the nature of their relationship and leaving certain stuff out.

Noboru Muchengiwa

l don't think chibharo is the main case here. Chibharo inenge yakazongoiswa just to fix DJ Levels. But kulikisa musvo ndozvakagumbura bhebhi, and it's bad l don't support people anoita chi coward chekusvika paku likisa ma nudes. DJ Levels did that using emotions dzekurambwa. But ma 1 ake: munhu ngaiswe mukati and set an example to those wanofunga kuti chi guy.

Kero Guramatunhu

Noboru Muchengiwa, haana kufoswa kutora vidhiyo riye.

Akapusa aidii kuramba. Vidhiyo rei vanhu vachiita zvakadaro ah?

Noboru Muchengiwa

Kero Guramatunhu, hakusi kupusa baa. Vanhu vazhinji do that in relationships muchitowirirana. But leaking it yawe mhosva. So in this case levels ndiye akatopusa. He used anger instead of thinking without emotions: nhasi awemukati. Ko unodirei kuyanika musvo edu atakaita tichiwirirana zvinopinda papi? Kana tarambana ndo dzungu iroro.

Ruvimbo Wezhira

Ashleigh Angel Moyo used the wrong approach, Levels will walk away with a smile by the time the matter is concluded. Why? Shashl was supposed to sue him for defamation instead whereby she'll be backed by the common law: Nyamwanza vs. Kambadza & Ors HH-104-87 D and the following sections 61, 61(5), 86 and 87 of the Zimbabwean Constitution.

This would be the cornerstone to combat Levels deeds animus iniuriandi, living him to the mercy of Law where only the measure of punishment would be questioned, Shashl can withdraw the charges of rape for now and opt to sue him for defamation, claim for contumelia and loss of consortium based on her social status. What's done cannot be undone; "Macbeth" William Shakespeare.

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