The simplest way to fade out your beat (an instrumental) or a song in Image-Line's FL Studio DAW is to automate the master fader's volume level.

However, for the most part, it's not a good idea to create automation clips using the master channel's slider knob because this can result in hard clipping if you make a minor mistake of slightly boosting the fader's level beyond 0 dBFS without crosschecking.

So the best alternative solution for creating fade-outs is using a simple gain plug-in (e.g. Fruity Balance effect) on the master fader and thereafter automating the overall level of that gain insert FX. You can also use third-party VST plug-ins with a gain knob to do the same thing. The choice is yours.

Creating a fade-out effect with the master fader​

Okay, with that said here is how you automate the master fader's level to implement a fade-out effect.

Step 1: Open FL Studio's Mixer window -- you can alternatively use the shortcut key F9, by the way.

How To Fade Out A Beat In FL Studio_1 (Mixer Init).png

Step 2: Right-click on the master fader's slider knob to open up a dialog box. After that, a menu box will pop up and what you need to do now is click where it says Create automation clip.

How To Fade Out A Beat In FL Studio_2.png

Step 3: Go ahead and open up FL Studio's Playlist window -- you should find an automation track titled Master-Volume assuming you did the previous steps really well.

How To Fade Out A Beat In FL Studio_3.png

Step 4: Decide where you want your beat to fade out.

After you have found the perfect position for your beat to start fading out, go ahead and right-click on that spot, but make sure the level of that particular automation point is set to 80%.

When you are done, move your mouse (or your finger if you are using a touchscreen monitor) to the third automation point and reduce its level to 0% to create a fade-out effect.

Oi matey, that's all there is to it. You are now a genius, have a good day, bye!

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