shanks and toyazi (or toyambi)​

mean either toilet, restroom, or bathroom.

Note: the formal ChiShona word for toilet is chimbuzi.

And for interest's sake, most public toilets in Zimbabwe will be labeled as either "vakadzi" or "varume" to indicate how they are designated in terms of sex between women and men respectively.

Example usage 1:​

Person X: "I am shucking to the shanks."

Person Y: "Yeah, if you have got to go, you have to go. I will continue where you left off."

Example usage 2:​

Person X: "Hapana chinhu chinobhohwa semuyenzi anokanganwa kufurasha apedza kuseta."

Person Y: "Nevamwe vaenzi vekuti vakabhomba mu toyazi vanovharisa imbayese kuti kutu."
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