1: an individual who comes from a wealthy background; however, such a person isn't always familiar with Zimbabwe's traditional customs (or Chivanhu) thanks to their boojee, luxurious upbringing. So people may tolerate certain things about them if they deviate from the norm because you know, money. And they sure got it fo' sho.

2: a tryhard snobbish and pretentious person. In the Republic of Zimbabwe, people like this are called "masalad eku ghetto" or "matsaga eku ghetto." They also tend to be people who grew up without experiencing a good life, so when they make money the rest is self-explanatory. You will just see by the way they act coupled with annoying fake posh accents.


"Mabhebhi ese ayo masalad—it's high maintenance, wangu. Asi uka chansa unogona kupinda machena. Zvinhu zviyedzwa dai wambosvikira zviri nane pane kukwarira mukati".