Listen to Trymore Bande and The Gospel Vocals' record single "Handikendenge".
Track info
Recording artists
Composition and lyrics
Trymore Bande (performer)
Trymore Bande (songwriter)
The Gospel Vocals (performer)
Monalisa Chavura a.k.a. Njuzu, expagorated her thoughts about ubuntu on social media saying Treating people right, is way better than posting Bible verses every day that you don't even practice.
As some of you are well aware, Heaven Army Commander Daniel Remnant ("Prophet Talent Madungwe") returned from Heaven after receiving his promotion. Thus he took over from where Jehovah's archangel Michael left off.
Ain't that good news y'all? Otherwise, check out my post on vana vaPapa. All...
If someone decides by their own free will to have cosmetic plastic surgery done on them whether it's rhinoplasty, liposuction, facelift, gynecomastia, etc is that a sin?
Verse riri muBhaibheri vaEfeso 5:18,
what do y'all oans think about that vaEfeso verse in regards to people who say muKristu should never sip mhamba, waini, musombodhiya oro ngoma.
means "tithe" and that is a monthly religious practice carried out by Christians of putting aside at least 10% of their salary or income from investments to support their local church and reaching out to poor orphans and widows.
However, chegumi (tithing) shouldn't be confused with any...
There are numerous prophets and pastors who say in order for a Christian to be prosperous they have to somehow find ways to tithe regularly and use some of their hard-earned money in church offerings. Do y'all oans agree with this type of message?
I know this is a weird question but does Satan Lucifer do refunds? ??
BTW, I am asking on behalf of all the celebrities who done sold out to Baphomet for fame. ??
"Chitendero" in Shona just means religion or whatever belief system you have even if you are an atheist who doesn't believe in any deity, etc.
The same applies to people who believe they are walking gods and goddesses. Of course in religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc that is...
The title of this thread says it all. I will just add to say how is the ancient Egyptian trinity sometimes thought to be similar to a Christian trinity.
means a church-going person whose belief is mainly rooted in Apostolic faith or better yet also known in chiShona language as Chitenderi cheVapostori.
Alternatively, Mupostanga is also written and spoken as Mupostan'a.
The plural forms for Mupostanga are Mapostanga, Vapostanga Vapostan'a, or...
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