
  1. Tafadzwa Twabam

    Any thoughts about Faith Panashe's post about friends and relationships?

    I just came across an article written by Faith Panashe where she was talmbout whether if people in a romantic relationship can have friends of the opposite sex or not without upsetting their current partner. Anyhow, in your own opinions, do y'all think opposite-sex friends can pose a threat to...
  2. Nolwazi Kwayedza

    Kupereka, Kusungira

    kupereka Definition: this is a cultural practice that is normally done to send off a newly married woman to her husband's home after an official roora ceremony has taken place. kusungira Definition: this is when a married woman who is pregnant for the first time is temporarily brought back...
  3. Nehanda

    Zvakanaka here kuti mukadzi azviroore negwalangwa rake?

    Kana murume asina gwalangwa rekuroora mudiwa wake pane chakaipa here mumazuva ano kuti mukadzi azviroore nemari yake?
  4. Nehanda

    Lobola refunds can that be a reality in Zimbabwe?

    The forthcoming notion of lobola refunds in Zimbabwe is that a fair and reasonable rectitude for all sons-in-law (vakuwasha) who entreat to get their money back when there are irreconcilable differences in a relationship? I am sure some of you will as an alternative argue the abolishment of...
  5. Tafadzwa Twabam

    Unoudza sei mumwe murume kuti mukadzi ake arikuita zvehupfambi?

    Kana uchinge waona mukadzi achidanana nemumwe murume unoudza sei mudiwa wake nezvekusavimbika kuri kuitika nekuda kwechipfambi?
  6. Tafadzwa Twabam

    What are your thoughts on modern roora lists in Zimbabwe?

    Long ago in the old days, the customary marriage tradition in Zimbabwe was streamlined and there weren't long roora lists than it is today where a son-in-law (mukwasha) has to jump through hoops dealing with all kinds of complexities and sometimes having to run around in circles to meet the...
  7. Numero Uno

    Zvinoita Here Kupinda Murudo Nemukadzi Ane Makore Kukupfura?

    Munyaya dzerudo ungadanana nemukadzi mukuru kwauri here?
  8. Numero Uno

    Find Yuh Waif Sleeping Wid Yuh Brother, Oans Das Sad!

    Man found out im brother was sleeping wid im waif jus imagine oans.
  9. Numero Uno

    Sei Vamwe Vanhu Vachifunga Kuti They Can Heal A Broken Heart?

    Why is it that some piipl fail to understand that you cannot heal a heart that isn't yours? For example, if someone has mental issues, multiple failed marriages, comes from a broken family. Shouldn't it be common sense to leave them alone and find someone better?
  10. Borrowdale Barron

    Oans Wah Tings Daiges Wear Dat Yu Don't Laik?

    Oans niem di tings dat daiges wear dat yu don't laik at all
  11. Borrowdale Barron

    Kune ma slay queen mu tonaz vanobata mushonga?

    Hau far boht dem gwans rigyaadn ma slay queen daiges anonzi anobata mushonga mu Tonaz kuti varambe vachikwizana wid blessers vachitora mari oro kuvarambisa nevakadzi vavo?
  12. Tafadzwa Twabam

    Wetin waif dyuuti an hosband dyuutidem?

    Wah dey waif an hosband dyuutidem? Yu nuo piipl seh a yong uman shudn duh heni waif dyuuti for har bwaifren an soch tings laik dat till shi git ina marij? Mi aks wai, bikaaz oandem spend moni for daigedem suh wai kyaahn daigedem du sopm bak?
  13. Nolwazi Kwayedza


    "Mhombo" in ChiShona langwij means either of the following depending on the context it is used and that's: a male pimp, player, or a man who is all-consumed with sexual desire so much that it becomes a primary reason for him to be in any relationship besides love. Of course, he utilizes his...
  14. Borrowdale Barron

    Expagorate wetin a riil man ah riil uman?

    Perhaps e go bi enlightening ef y'all oans tek taim fi hexpagorate di difinishan af a riil man ah a riil uman fi mi.
  15. Numero Uno

    Sei Mamwe Mabhebhi Achibvuma Kuita Small House?

    Chii chinonyanya kukonzeresa kuti mamwe mabhebhi anoratidzika sekunge akarongeka abvume kuva small house, sidechick, kana blessee? Mungati mamhepo here, mashavi here, oro kungoda dhikondo neku spakwa halaz?
  16. Borrowdale Barron

    If a daige is rich does it make an oan reluctant to cheat?

    Generally speaking, are most oans who make less money than daiges reluctant to cheat if they are in a relationship with a daige who happens to make more money than them?
  17. Borrowdale Barron

    Can We Talk About Modern-Day Mobile Auditing Between Couples?

    To what extent is modern-day mobile auditing between couples perfectly okay or downright entirely bad altogether? And by that, I am talmbout one partner or both of them occasionally going through each other's phones randomly on short notice?
  18. Numero Uno

    What is the difference between dating and prostitution?

    Do y'all oans skim if a daige dates an oan for mari then that soufflé is a njapisi?
  19. Numero Uno

    Sei vamwe vakadzi vachichengetesa varume vana vasiri vavo?

    Ngeyi vamwe vakadzi vachiita kuti varume varere vana vasiri vavo?
  20. Bla Jedza

    Some Daiges Look Prettier When You Are No Longer With Them

    Y'all oans agree that some daiges be looking straight-fire when you are no longer with them?