
grand master
Oan don't just say I am a hater. Tell me which brand the daige represents then totangira ipapo.

Ndimi murikuti Lumi isocial media influencer so the burden is on y'all to buritsa mareceipts acho about your claims.

Luminitsa kuzviti "Premium Stonyeni" kwaanoita ndobrand racho iroro!

Y'all should stop the habit yekubvunza zvimwe zvinhu zviripachena zvamunoona moita senge makadzungaira musoro.


grand master
You should learn to read between the lines and notice things right in front of you in the clear.

Vaudze, vanowanza bvepfepfe vanhu vepano.

That's why elite oans hide things in plain sight knowing kuti ana nhingi vebvepfepfe vachango rotomoka zvenhando.