Bla Jedza

Munhu anonzi ane ruchiva, munhu anenge akaita sei?

Pane difference here between munhu anonzi ari jealous oro munhu anonzi ari envious?
It depends on the context the word ruchiva is used.

E.g., "murume uyo ane ruchiva."

Then it can imply the man in question is lusting over another woman or over multiple women. If a woman he is lusting over is married or in a relationship then murume iyeye anenge ari envious. Harisi jealous or jembi.


grand master
It depends on the context the word ruchiva is used.

E.g., "murume uyo ane ruchiva."

Then it can imply the man in question is lusting over another woman or over multiple women. If a woman he is lusting over is married or in a relationship then murume iyeye anenge ari envious. Harisi jealous or jembi.


grand master
Open business kutii? :sneaky:

Some people vanenge varimu committed serious relationship.

Ruchiva irwowo rwunenge rwave kuto vhiringidza zvinhu zvevanhu vari murudo.

Munhu wese asina kurorwa means anenge atori pa market zvakasiyana nemunhu anenge akarorwa.

In other words, if you are not married you fill out forms stating you are single. Isn't that the case?