Black Panther

grand master
Branding is definitely something which you have probably heard about a couple of times but unfortunately some people just don't have the ability to understand all it's aspects.

When it comes to establishing the IMAGE (or brand) of your company you have to think of it as more than just creating a name for your business.

It's about creating the perception the customer will have after the first impression of your business. And that's how the company presents itself, and how the company interacts with the customer.

Everything from marketing, packaging design, customer service, web and store front design, price, professionalism, consistency, quality of the products and services, and so much more influences how the customer perceives your business.

So even if you're running a small business and have limited a cash flow, brand perception still has a major factor in the success of your business to customers.


Lenard Maseko
Keep in mind working hard is a characteristic which is mandatory when establishing your brand out there into the world of business so don't take shortcuts and don't be lazy.