Your partner's sexual history is their own and it's not fair to judge them for it.

I understand where you're coming from, but I think it's natural to feel a little bit insecure about your partner's sexual past. It's important to communicate those feelings and work through them together.


I kinda think it's okay to have a preference for things about your potential partners. However, it's definitely not okay to shame or devalue someone because they have a high body count. You also shouldn't have a double standard when it comes to the body count, i.e., you can have a high body count but your partner cannot.


Being happy matters to a lot of people, for some folks that means having loads of bonking sessions (with random strangers too, i.e., one-night stand encounters), for others that means living a life of celibacy and that's okay. Everyone has different needs and wants when it comes to happiness. What works for one person may not work for another, and it's important to respect and accept this. We should all strive to find our own paths to happiness and live life according to our own desires.


I suppose it would be fair to assume that, in the case of virgins, it is perfectly acceptable to expect their partners to also be virgins, however, if you are a man who has had more than one sexual partner and you are expecting your partner to be a virgin, I think you are an insensitive dickhead.


I suppose it would be fair to assume that, in the case of virgins, it is perfectly acceptable to expect their partners to also be virgins, however, if you are a man who has had more than one sexual partner and you are expecting your partner to be a virgin, I think you are an insensitive dickhead.

In the modern day and age, I don't think many people expect a virgin except for the fact that many people are disgusted by people in their early 20s who have triple digits on their body count.