Sei vamwe vakadzi vachichengetesa varume vana vasiri vavo?

Vamwe vanenge vakateya gwalangwa through maintenaince ("child support"); vamwewo vakadzi vanenge vaita chihure chavo vakarorwa. Saka hapana pavachataura chokwadi chizere kuti mwana uyu ndewa blesser nhingi, vanongonyarara zvakadaro. Murume ongotambira zviripo achiti mwana ndewake chaiye, nyambisirwa manyepo badzi.


There are various different reasons mukadzi choose kuchengetesa murume mwana asiri wake.

Asi chikonzero chikurusa ndechekuti some women vanenge vasingatozive kuti the real biological father wacho ndeupi.

Saka vanongo chansa kune murume anenge aripanyanga nguva iyoyo otobvuma.

Chasara kuchata and of course zvatovharana zvakadaro.

Inenge yatova kekere-dhukeke ngoma ndiyo-ndiyo bhora mberi, chekumirira chacho hapana.


Lenard Maseko
Vamwe vanenge vakateya gwalangwa through maintenaince ("child support"); vamwewo vakadzi vanenge vaita chihure chavo vakarorwa. Saka hapana pavachataura chokwadi chizere kuti mwana uyu ndewa blesser nhingi, vanongonyarara zvakadaro. Murume ongotambira zviripo achiti mwana ndewake chaiye, nyambisirwa manyepo badzi.


A DNA test is important ooo.

I concur! And if you sign the birth certificate you automatically become the father by law and if there is any law in that country regarding child support, then you'll pay that for 18 years whether you're the biological father or not. So it's best to do it early.


I concur! And if you sign the birth certificate you automatically become the father by law and if there is any law in that country regarding child support, then you'll pay that for 18 years whether you're the biological father or not. So it's best to do it early.

In the United States of America yes things like that can happen. I doubt in many countries you will be forced to continue to pay child support if you are not the biological baby daddy.


A DNA test is important ooo.

But many women dislike DNA paternity testing though for various reasons, including:
  • Emotional reasons - Paternity testing can bring up strong emotions, such as fear, anger, or disappointment. It can also result in unexpected or unwanted results, leading to emotional turmoil.
  • Privacy concerns - Paternity testing requires collecting and analyzing DNA samples, which can raise privacy concerns and questions about who has access to the results.
  • Legal implications - Paternity testing can have legal implications, such as child support or custody battles, which can be stressful and time-consuming.
  • Stigma - There may be a stigma attached to the use of DNA testing, particularly in cultures where fatherhood and family relationships are considered private or sacred.
  • Skepticism about accuracy - Some women may be skeptical about the accuracy of DNA paternity testing and question the validity of the results.


This just screams (((lack of trust))) to me.

Some lifestyle people still live after getting married will make your partner doubt you. So don't blame a man that wants DNA test on his child if his wife live a certain lifestyle that will put doubt in him.


Some lifestyle people still live after getting married will make your partner doubt you. So don't blame a man that wants DNA test on his child if his wife live a certain lifestyle that will put doubt in him.

All I'm saying is once you decide to go down that road, you are indirectly telling the woman I don't trust you and I'm letting you know that I don't trust you. Imagine what that will do to a marriage where the woman is faithful. You do the DNA test because you don't trust your wife.


A DNA test is important ooo.

Well, DNA is done to ascertain the paternity of a child and when a man demands it, it usually means that he doesn’t trust his partner. If you value that partner, you won't tell her to her face. Do your DNA without her knowledge. Please note that a lack of trust will mar any relationship.